Waiting jitters!

So my husband and I just started TTC a little before my last period so I stopped taking my BC and we have been BD basically every day because I haven't had a chance to track my cycle due to taking the pill. However assuming I have a normal cycle my period should start on Sunday. Also a side note at least a week after my period (not sure the exact day now I wish I would have thought to write it down somewhere) I had some very strange spot bleeding it was kind of like clear discharge with a little bit of pink blood in it for 3 days and now that I have been reading up on things it sounds like IB! I just wanted to ask people's thoughts on chances of being pregnant and if anyone has had luck with the first response brand tests 6 days out because I cannot wait for that second line to show up! I also have noticed a slight difference in my breasts and I am peeing constantly!