There has to be something(cancer)

It's almost 2017! We are more then half way there. I can't face one of my biggest fears. Losing my mom. I still need her for so many reasons! How can the doctors say they don't know what to do. They are not supose to go give a time line. I can't accept months! I need years. My grandma can't lose my mom as well. That means she lost all three of her kids before her time. No one deserves that. And I hate the fact my ex back on the day said my mom going to die at a young age. What people say out of pure ignorance can't come true. I offically hate when people talk like that. My other ex said I hope you have a miscariage well it came true. I had one with my second pregnancy. Why can't the good things come true! I need them too. I need my mom there when I get married. I need her. She has to win this! There has to be something.