Reconsidering Birth Plan: Hospital/Home Birth

My new OB/gyn practice rotates physicians every prenatal visit, as whoever is on-call at time of delivery will be the attending, so I never meet with the same one. I just moved to another state and this is really making me miss my old Doctor as well as reconsider my birth plan options. This is baby #3 and my other two children were both born in the hospital, so I just kinda automatically figured the same this time around...but now I am researching home birth/midwife and wanting to go that route. Some of my considerations: I want a natural birth, to be able to labor in the bathtub at least for a good part of it, no unnecessary monitoring, delayed umbilical clamping, etc. I just really want to have more control and more of a one on one relationship with my doctor/midwife. Thoughts?