Unsupportive husband...

I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with mine and my husbands first little girl. Through out this whole pregnancy my husband has seemed to be completely unsupportive and unthoughtful. He is having me mow the yard during the day in the heat and if it is not done when he gets home he is extremely upset. He has made comments about "not caring how people looked at him if he left me while pregnant."  He seems to be annoyed every time I get sick (I've lost about 15 lbs and I only started at 145). He will get angry if I don't want to have sex every night. When I make a general statement like "I am tied" he always says "you're milking this pregnancy thing and it's annoying everyone."  I'm just not sure how to handle this anymore. Did anyone else experienc anything like this? Will his mind set change when the baby is here? Anything will be helpful. Thank you ladies! 

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