Just need to vent

This is so stupid. I'm an adult. I feel dumb for feeling like this, but we are moving. We move in september. We are getting a bigger place, but there will still be less room with another person living with us, no matter how tiny he is. So as a result I have been selling my stuff.... well, I just put my entire book collection on letgo to sell them. (Except for my Harry Potter books) I feel like I'm selling a part of myself. I literally teared up as I was taking photos of the books. That's how ridiculous I am right now. Over. Books. Don't get me wrong, books have been my thing my whole life, I love to read. But these hormones are making me a whiny little baby over posting a sale of over 40 books. I just feel so dumb. I told my husband what I did, hoping for some consolation or even for him to tell me I didn't have to and his exact response was "oh you did? Oh good, maybe we will get good money for them." Yeah so I'm crying now. My books are like my babies. I've had them for years.😢😢😢