When you are sick..,

Aly • Happily married. MC 4/2015👼🏻Baby girl 10/2016 💕 baby boy due 2/2018 💙
When you are sick, at what point do you go to the doctor? 
I'm 23 weeks with a horrible cold. I thought at first it was allergies, so I got Claritin. But it's since progressed and is obviously not. For the last two days, I've only been able to sleep 1-3 hours at a time, chest congestion, migraine, stuffy nose etc. My sweet hubby is out now getting me Tylenol and Robitussion and he thinks I should see the doctor today, I'm thinking I should see how I feel with the Meds first? And if I do go to the doctor, do I see my ob or just do the walk in? Thoughts?