I'm proposing to HIM!

Okay I'm joking I'm not , not that there's anything wrong with ladies proposing to their man. I just want to be suprised by it and want him to do it when he thinks the time is right. I want him to show me how much he loves me and I'll be ready to yell, "YES!" When he does 😊. I know he will be proposing to me in the future once we settle down and fix everything we need to in order to start our lives together, not like we haven't already begun lol
Anyways, the reason I'm posting is because I do want to get us some rings... It would be like maybe pre-pre engagement like rings, like a promise ring. I brought it up because I don't know how to keep secrets, probably the reason I shouldn't propose as well! 😂 he said he wouldn't mind wearing it since it has meaning to it. I told him it meant that me giving him the ring promises that We will love each other unconditionally, no matter what happens our love is endless. He thought it was sweet and agreed to it. I'm not rushing to getting married but it shows commitment towards each other. Have any of you ladies done this? Do you think it's silly? What are your thoughts ?