Ovulation tests and pregnancy test evap.?

The bottom 2 are ovulation and top is pregnancy I took ovulation and pregnancy test on 7-28 was supposed to ovulate 7-19 I had very heavy spotting for like 5 mins. Pregnancy test i saw a faint line I thought it was an evapp so I didn't bother in person you can see a little color on the line and took an ovulation test and it was dark. The first ovulation test looked just like the new one did when it was fresh. I am one day late for my period. Could that mean that wasn't a evapp that it was a positive. I have never had any type of line with a negative preg test. Why is my ovulation tests still so dark a week in between. Keep in mind I tested 9 days after I was supposed to ovulate. Last night after having sex I wipped and saw a very tiny amount of blood most people would ask if it was implantation blood.