My preeclampsia/HELLP scare

Momma of 4
I had just been to the dr on Monday with no concerns, overnight that night I woke up with bad upper belly pain. I was 40.3 weeks with an induction scheduled the following day. I didn't think much of it since I didn't have any other symptoms (no headache, dizziness etc) and had just been to the dr the previous day with no issues, and had an induction scheduled the next night, so i didn't make an issue of it. The stomach pain persisted and I started to feel overly tired so I called the dr, he wasn't too concerned but sent me to the hospital for monitoring as a precaution. Boy am I glad I went....severe high blood pressure and start of liver failure! They tried to stabilize me without success and I ended up with a C section , I now have a healthy baby girl. Please ladies don't hesitate to call your dr if something doesn't feel right like I did, I should have called sooner but am glad I ultimately decided to go.