My marriage is a mistake :(

Long but plz help. Im so sick of feeling like shit all the time. Marrying my husband i feel has been a mistake. Although i love him.. This isnt what I wanted. Hes constantly treating me like shit, trying his hardest to control me, neglecting the fact that ive been begging for attention, emotionally and verbally abusing me. Hes threatned to take our first unborn child away from me many times He swears hes only here still cause im pregnant. We currently live with my parents and hes completely FINE with that. He doesnt see how getting our own place is good for us. Oh and jus to be clear we have Only been married for 4 months,and im 10 weeks pregnant(unplanned) but still so wanted by me atleast. Ugh im just drained. Exhausted. Sad. Lonely. Depressed. I need some encouraging words :(