Need Support/Advice

Hi ladies... I have some questions or am hoping maybe one of you have some advice for me. At my 20 week ultrasound my baby had a white spot on her heart called an echogenic intracardiac focus, which apparently is very common and CAN be a soft marker for Down syndrome. After reading about it and speaking with my doctor I became less worried because it seems so common and people have perfectly healthy babies. My babies head was also measuring about a week and a half behind- which my doctor didn't seem concerned with at all. Fast forward 6 weeks to when I was 26 weeks and my doctor sends me in for another scan just to make sure baby's head has caught up. Now fast forward to today 29+3 and first time I've seen my doctor since my last scan and he gives me the results that my babies head is measuring in the 5th percentile and he wants me to see a maternal fetal specialist next week (and he is now not concerned about her heart at all, but is about her head). I'm terrified! 5th percentile?! To me, that seems like her brain isn't developing or something is going on. She's super active in there, I feel her moving all the time, but I'm obviously worried that something is wrong. My first child was actually the opposite problem and had a HUGE head, so I really don't know what to think about this baby having such a small head- I'm pretty convinced something is majorly wrong. Has anyone ever had something like this happen?? Or has your child's head started out small and then grown as they've gotten older? Any advice is greatly appreciated... I'm pretty down right now 😓