I cant tell if its positive or not


I took this first responce test yesterday the 2nd but it want in the moring. I darnk water and waited 15 mins after feeling the ugr to go and tested . Right after i peed 3 mins later i looked at it and was about to throw it when I realized i saw something. I out the test in the kight and sure enought sal a little pink line. 5 mins after seeing the oink like i looked again and saw it was a kitle more pink.

I am late. Only symptom i have aside from missed period is my boobs being heavier and a little more tired then normal. Ive been having a clear strchy discharge for over a week now. No smell. It has white to it.

Second test i took today seemed to be negative.. it was same kind of test. I drank water right when inhad the urge to go i went right away.