Things nobody told me about pregnancy #2,453

That I would pee myself so easily! 
Last night I was violently vomiting and all of a sudden a huge gush of fluid came out (I'm only 18+5) and this happened at least 4 times in a row each time I got sick. It soaked my panties and pj pants. It was 130 am and DH asleep so I yelled for him because I was terrified my water broke! 
He helped me clean myself up and he and I smelled and looked at the panties and it was urine for sure! 
I was embarrassed but more relieved that my water didn't break! 
This happened before (except I wasn't vomiting) just a rush of fluid and I drove myself to the ER and they tested it and it wasn't amniotic fluid. 
How glorious is pregnancy sometimes? 
Ladies that are TTC or early pregnant - BEWARE. You may very well pee yourself!