38 weeks

So I'm 38 weeks, the docs don't want me going past 39 bc I have GD and my little one is measuring big. My pregnancy has been a pleasant one and today was my first day of maternity leave!! 🙂 I'm sitting here thinking of how it's been such an easy going pregnancy until now! It's like once you get to the very end, you have so many weird aches and pains and sensations!!, I have contractions constantly but not the "real" ones just Braxton hicks. I swell terribly. I can't sleep. The pelvic pressure is SO REAL! My back has started aching. My son gets so low I can feel his head moving around in my cervix and now my legs are starting to ache. I'm so amazed at what us woman go through while we are pregnant!! My dad told me the other day "having a baby isn't for wimps" and boy is he right!! I just keep telling myself it's almost over and it's SO worth it!! I guess I'm just venting about all my pains bc I know you ladies are or have or will be experiencing all this stuff. God bless you guys!! Congratulations to all the expecting mommies out there!! ❤️❤️