I think I am in love...

So, this has been on my mind a lot lately. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 5 months but, we have been talking for 8 months. We actually hit it off quick and connected so fast! I've never felt so happy with anybody before and it's crazy how fast I opened up to him. 
I really want to tell him that my feelings for him have grown so much and that I am falling for him even harder. I want to tell him how much I love him and how I never want to lose him because he is already so important to me but, I am afraid that it is too soon or that I will scare him off. I think he feels the same way towards me because he is always like "I want it to be special" like the way he tells it to me. But could that also be a cover up that maybe he doesn't feel the same way? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! 
This is literally eating me alive and I don't think I can hold it in any longer... What should I do?