Maybe labor???


I'm a FTM and have no clue what I'm doing lol

But I believe our girl is sunny side up.

When I went to bed around midnight I had a few (what I think/thought are) contractions and my lower back ached. I slept until a little before 4am when I woke up feeling like I had to go #2. I went to the bathroom but the cramps kept going and my back hurts like a bitch. I've had contractions on and off (maybe Braxton hicks I don't even know) and some have hurt and felt like menstrual cramps, some have just hurt and felt like pulling and tugging. But none have been painless. But honestly it's hard to feel the pain through my back pain. I've gotten a bath and they continued through that. And I'm now using a heating pad and my back still aches. It feels slightly better when I'm walking but it's still there.

Any advice?! I'm due Sunday so I'm 39+4 today!