MIL driving me nuts!

Ok so I'm 36wk+4 obviously I could go at anytime and I'm 100% ready but at my appt yesterday Dr. says she still needs to cook a little longer. My MIL keeps saying to my husband that she's getting anxious and the baby should come any day now. She's getting to be a little much, she picked the coming home outfit and when we said something about not putting her in it she went home and pouted and my FIL had to call my husband to say how upset she was. I'm trying to tread a fine line so we don't get in a fight at the happiest time of mine and her sons lives but I don't know how much more I can take. Is it me? I'm sorry wishing your grandchild to be born this early seems a little crazy especially when we have said a few times that it's not time.