Hard work!!!

After 42 weeks of being pregnant i went in to induction on the Tuesday 10am didnt start contractions till around 7pm then mike had to go home at half 9. Mikes the other half 😜. By that time i was in abit of pain so the midwife ran me a bath. She was a bitch. Had a bath and then went back to my bed around  11 pm by 1am i was in a whole lot of pain and the midwife said all i can do is run u another bath 😐 was fuming. She wouldn't examine me. So i got in the bath about half 1 and sayed inthe  bath on my own in this room till half 4. I  thought i was going to die on my own she didnt even check on me. When i stood up out the bath all my pug then came out. Got to the door and she was sat at the desk so i give her a shout. And she walked me back to the bed and the finally examined me 👍 6 centimetres i was!! Off to the delivery room i went 6am Wednesday morning. Mum and mike got there about half 6. I had pain relief and after that the rest was a blur. So it was 4pm Wednesday afternoon i started to push after an hour we were both knacked. Ended up having a spinel block and forseps 😐 baby then arrived at 6.10pm Wednesday 15 july. 8lbs 6. Big baby for me as im only small. Mum and mike said the whole labour i didnt say a word. Think the drugs might of had something to do with that. 😂😂 glad its all over and baby Stanley is here 7 weeks on i feel alot better and my infection has finally gone!! But the aftermath was horrible and would definitely not like to have forseps again. Good luck to all the preganant ladies out there. Xx me and the baby in hospital 2nd night 💙😂💚 \/\/\/