My Preemie Baby

On Saturday July 23rd I went into the hospital because I had a terrible headache, and also what seemed like painful Braxton Hicks contractions. On this day I was only 26 w 6 days. I was at work so I just went to the closest hospital instead of my normal hospital just to be safe. So I get into a room and they are checking my vitals and my blood pressure is 176/98. And it didn't stop there, it kept climbing. So I got some tests ran on my blood and urine, and also my cervical mucus. The test on my cervical mucus was to determine if I was at risk for delivering within a few weeks, and it came back positive. They told me to not worry because it didn't mean I was, it just came back that I was at risk. My blood pressure ended up getting up to 216/111 and at that point I was put on magnesium to keep my from having seizures, and to relax my blood vessels. It actually makes your whole body feel weak because it relaxes all smooth muscles. At that point I was transferred to a different hospital that had the proper team to take care of my baby if she came early. Once I get to the new hospital, they run more tests, they keep my baby on the monitor just to make sure she's ok. My blood pressure just remained high so they decided to keep me over night. Well that over night stay turned into 2 nights and 2 nights turned into 3 days. I had severe preeclampsia. On the 3rd day my daughter was showing signs of distress. Her heart rate was taking dips, and sometimes it wouldn't go back up to exactly where it was. So they told me that if it continued, I'd have to have an emergency C section. On this day I'm only 27w 2d. I got an ultrasound and she was measuring 2 weeks behind, so 25 weeks. So I'm terrified because I don't want her to come this early, so I just rested and hoped my baby girl would be ok. She didn't have any more dips throughout the day. I thought at that point I didn't have to worry about her coming, and that maybe I had another day to keep her in. And then around 7pm she started to have those dips again. And again they told me to be prepared just in case they decided to take her through cesarean. I had told my SO to go home and shower and get real food a few hours before because I thought the baby was done having those dips. And sure enough at 8:12pm they decided that i was going to have her that night. And I had about 15 minutes until they were going to start to prep me. My SO had to rush back to the hospital and meet me in the operating room because they weren't wasting any time to get her out. I got my spinal block and they laid me back on the table. I made them wait until my SO was in the room. Once he came busting through the doors they started to cut me open. On July 26th, 2016 at 8:54pm my beautiful baby girl was born at 27w and 2d. She weighed 1 lb and 9 oz and was 11 3/4 in long. 
Because I was on the magnesium, I couldn't see my baby girl until the next day, but my SO made sure to take plenty of pictures for me until I got to meet my baby.She looked a lot bigger in pictures, so when I met her I couldn't believe how tiny she was. She grabbed my finger instantly, and my heart melted. I was given 2 steroid injections to help her lungs develop while she was still in utero. She's doing great. No ventilator. Just a little oxygen pressure to keep her lungs from deflating. 
She does better and better everyday. She's even starting to open her eyes more, and her cries are slowly getting louder. They've been able to increase her feed from 2ml to 4ml to 6ml and now to 8ml and she's taking them like a champ. Because she's only getting so little amounts of my breast milk, she has a line in her leg that feeds her extra nutrition. But as they increase her feeds, they cut back the amount of nutrients.