40w 2d and nothing 😔

Baby #4 was due on the second and is showing zero interest in coming out! Normally I wouldn't mind but I was only able to take 3 weeks off of work. My last day was the 29th and I thought I was cutting it close since my other 3 were all born exactly 5 days early, and now I just feel like I'm sitting here wasting time not having a baby! 
I have tried everything I can think of, had eggplant parm, I've had probably 3 pineapples, I've walked, we have sex everyday sometimes twice, I've even tried spicy food which I hate and all I got was heartburn!
At my appt on Monday I was only 50% effaced and not dialited at all. I know she'll come when SHE'S ready but I'M ready NOW!