Blessed with supportive family!!!

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and have very bad morning sickness. Not sure if this is genetic since my grandmother and mother both had terrible morning sickness. Good thing about that is they understand! My mom had morning sickness all 9 months with her first she even had it 40 days PP! I don't think I have it as bad as she did, I hope. My mom has been doing my laundry for almost a month. She also begs me throughout the day with different food to eat. I lost 9lbs already I weigh 107 now. She has been an angel sent from heaven. My brothers always bring me anything I say I might be able to drink. Since water wont stay down, they go to the store for whatever I mention (I live in the country so it isn't close by). My niece massages me when she visits she only in kindergarten lol. My husband brings me food after work to try to get me to eat. I haven't cooked for my poor husband in forever! He massages me every night! He does our shopping now, helps me clean, waters the plants take care of our dogs and birds. He comforts me when I cry. Is my cheerleader when I'm trying to take my vitamins and leaves me alone when I'm puking in the restroom (I don't like anyone seeing me like that it makes me uncomfortable ). He listens to me everyday when I tell him, "today is the worst day." He shows me sympathy of how I feel and doesn't make me feel like a burden. Even though I'm in bed most of the day and a big mess he still finds me attractive and somehow manages to get me in the mood. I don't now how he does it when I'm feeling miserable and the last thing on my mind is making love he still gets me there. I love my family so much and I know I'm very fortunate! I just want to feel normal again. I want to be able to drink water again.