Rough delivery but she's here

Jaime • Due July 25, 2016 👶🏽❤️
I had the worst possible experience of my life. I was due on July 25th, my doctor induced me on July 27th. They started me on some pills to soften my cervix. 3 doses later, at least 12 hours later, I was only at 3cm. They tried some weird balloon thing that did nothing. Let's not forget to mention the amount of extremely painful cervix checks I had to get in between all this. They started me on pitocin and gave me an epidural. I thought I would finally get some relief after having excruciating contractions very close together for what felt like way too long. About an hour after I got the epidural it wore off completely and I could feel all my contractions. They tried to give me some other drug in my IV which did nothing. So a different anesthesiologist took my epidural out and placed a new one. This one wore off after a half hour. It felt like a nightmare. I was wishing I could run out of the hospital. I never imagined that would happen to me. I was in so much pain and it felt like the doctors just kept giving me the run around and were not helping me at all. I wasn't dilating past 5cm, I had been in this process for 36 hours, my body was exhausted, and I was worried about my baby. All they wanted to do was pump me with drugs that wouldn't stop the pain, over and over. Then they diagnosed me with preeclampsia and told me I must have just developed it that day. Finally a different doctor came in and at this point I was having a breakdown crying and begging for them to just give me a c section. I don't know why no one had mentioned it before. The doctor agreed and before I knew it I was completely numb from the waist down. My c section was painless, quick, and my baby girl Amaya Rae finally came into the world on July 29th and 4:58 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 2 oz and was 21 inches long. However, right after she was born and they stitched me up I hemorrhaged and had to get a blood transfusion. They did so many things to try to make me stop bleeding. I was told this happened to me because the other doctor left me in labor for so long. They let my uterus contract so much that when it really needed to after the c section, it wasn't able to because it was too tired. I also had to get magnesium for the preeclampsia which makes you feel like shit. It was really scary and I get upset just thinking I could possibly not be here today because of the stupid mistakes of doctors. I was in the hospital from Wednesday night until Monday. I only saw my daughter for 15 mins of the first 24 hours of her life. The days after the c section were rough, the first time walking after hurts like hell. Thank god for my boyfriend doing everything he could to help me. I'm home now and feeling better every day with no extra complications. I'm so thankful me and my baby are okay.