Need some advice **Sort of Long**

Taylor • 25 💕 Mother of 1 ❤️
I'm a 19 year old (will be 20 when baby's supposed to be born). My dude date is December 18. I am currently 20+4. Friday I was 19+5, I went to the doctor due to some bleeding after intercourss. my cervix was 2.6 cm when it needed to be 4 cm. Baby girl was fine. Measuring fine had all her limbs, 11 ounces, & heartbeat 145. I was put on bedrest & told to come back in a week. Appointment was set for the following Wednesday. But Sunday night I woke up with piercing cramps. Called my doctor Monday morning to see if I needed to come in. My mom told me to time them. I was having about 4 to 5 an hour. Went in to the doctor as soon as I could they told me my cervix was still shortening it was at a 2. She was fine. She was now 14 ounces. Heartbeat at 155. They told me that my baby girl was going to come early but how early they weren't sure. 
I'm saying all this to say how did you all do with early deliveries as well as some advice. This is my first baby.