Help? Advice?

✨I suffer from Trichotillomania, or the hair pulling disorder. It started years ago when my mom told me to pull this one curved eyelash with tweezers, but then got increasingly worse with my depression and stress. And obviously got more worse when i got stressed out by pulling them out. There was even a point where i had ZERO eyelashes. My eyelashes used to be thick and long and i had sooooo many that it looked like i wore mascara all the time growing up. In the picture, you can tell ive gotten better but i still do it. Ive slowed down a lot but it's gotten to the point where i warn my classmates, my friends, my teachers and even my boyfriend that if they see me messing with my lashes, to say something or slap my hand. Well, they recently havent done that, cause i got better. Now I subconsciously mess with them and i see that i mess with the outer corners of my eyes. Ive even discussed it with my prents and my dad has agreed that if i need professional help, hes for it but unfortunately my mother refuses to let me get it. So......
If anyone suffers from this or knows how to help me, I'd appreciate it greatly. 
💜 Also, if anyone knows how i can grow out my lashes to be fuller, and stronger and maybe even help have me grow them (some of mine don't even grow...), i would love it. Thank you!