20 and no friends just venting

Sometimes I really don't care, sometimes I do. I'm 20 and I literary have no friends. I have like two people I talk to here and there that I use to be good friends with, but never hang anymore. I had one best friend and she's the one I'd always hang out with but with some stuff happening our friendship isn't going to be the same anymore and she has a new friend she always hang out with. All I do anymore is sit at home, work witch is usually in the day on the weekends so night I'm home, or babysit whenever I get asked which isn't much. I only have my boyfriend and his friends which isn't many people which I don't mind at all we hang out every Sunday and some other week nights, and sometimes they don't hang out so its just me and my boyfriend. And it's very hard for me to befriend females which sucks. But I have my reasons I guess. Anyways sometimes it sucks not having girlfriends and nothing to do. Especially this time of the year with the fairs going on I see all these people having fun and I wish I could do stuff like that but I don't have anyone. And my bf is a homebody so he doesn't care to go plus it's something we'd want friends to come with. On the other hand I'm content with not getting shitty all the time. I just feel lame sometimes only being 20 and act 80 lol. This is also the time it makes me sad I've had so much trouble getting pregnant because I don't do all that stuff, then I see all these moms on Facebook that are out partying every weekend. It just seems unfair. Sorry this is long and all mixed around I'm just bored now, and just venting.