I'm still shocked

My bf and I have been together for 3 years. 2 of those years we didn't use any contraceptives but in those 2 years I didn't get pregnant. So I thought I was invincible. I turned 21 this past January and decided I didn't want kids anytime soon. I wanted to explore and enjoy my true adulthood lol. Well as soon as I started birth control in April (I was nervous to start, since I've never used it) I got pregnant. I didn't know until late May but I couldn't believe it. After 2 years of not even using birth control I ironically get pregnant when I start to use it. I'm 20w1d now and it's still amazing to me. I have my moments when I wish I could just hang out w friends and have a drink or 3 but I wouldn't trade my unborn son for anything in the world. This has definitely been life changing for me!