Does anyone see a wee faint line?

Ok,  so I hadn't thought much of it - but received an alert from Glow saying about it being my period day 2 days ago however nothing ....... I have some slight niggley crampy feelings at my lower tummy but periods are a no show so far.
I know it's really early to test but I have done and I don't know if it's a evap line (very faint or what?  This mornings  clear blue is nearly non existent but the more I look at it the more I think I see one.
Does anyone see any faint lines??
I'm so anxious - id love to be pregnant again - I have one 3 year  old however had a miscarriage at the beginning of the year which was tough.  
If I am then I would be super ealy as my logged says I hat sex was 16th and 26th July and that was the only dates I logged since last period husband was away inveterate so really would just be those 2 dates?