ZIKA testing. Anyone else have experience?

So my husband and I traveled to Costa Rica in early May for our honeymoon. A few weeks after returning I feel very ill and was put in the hospital and had so many tests run all they could do was rule out as much as possible. It ended up being diagnosed as an a-typical pneumonia. No visible rash. No fever that I'm aware of. 
Fast forward a few weeks and I am feeling awful. I'm hot all the time, achy, not sleeping well and having crazy vivid dreams. So I take a test and it was my BFP
I'm already considered high risk due to other health issues so I've had a few check ups already, but last week my midwives office called me to come in and have more blood work drawn. The public health official actually met me at the lab and transported my samples to expedite them to the state laboratory. I know there is a special protocol for how they handle specimen, but it feels a bit worrisome. 
Has anyone else had experience with this? I haven't really had any major symptoms, but I know some people can remain without any symptoms. I should have the results by the end of this week, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was slightly concerned. I've already cancelled an upcoming trip to Miami I had scheduled and I've been staying in after dusk every night. I'm just trying to remain calm and keep perspective.