Moving before or after baby born?(Warning: long)


So I have a HUGE question for you ladies. (Especially military) My husband and I are military, stationed in Fort carson, Colorado. It's supper early in the pregnancy right now, 7wks+5. My husband will be getting out in April or May and we are making a very big move to Washington State! The baby is due in mid to kate March. :\ My question to you girls is...

Would it be better to move before or after the baby is born. I feel it be better before the child arrives, incase I'm gonna need all the recuperating I can get! I'm worried I'm going to be so exhausted after the baby is born I won't have the energy to do ANYTHING for this move. But my husband doesn't know how he feels about this but we have to make this work somehow. He won't be coming with me. I'll be the first to leave, and I have a friend already in washington who's flying down to go with me on the drive so I'm not alone with 3 dogs and a newborn infant. He's talked about keeping one of the dogs so I'll only have to deal with 2 dogs. His plan is after the baby us born. We can either leave early April(with his leave all saved up) or late may(use some of the leave and leave a little later.) This is still being thought through and is still being worked out. We really don't know what would be best and I'd feel better moving if the baby atleast received his/her first set of shots.. Help us out. What do ya'll think??

Finally I want no ugly remarks or comments on here. I'm asking for kind thoughts, advice, opinions. I want help. It's still a ways away. But before we know it. It will be that time. And it just gets me worked up.