Leaking fluids and losing mucus plug

Saturday evening I lost 2 big pieces of my mucus plug and a few random small chunks and pieces throughout Sunday..no big deal, heard its natural blah blah.
This morning I woke up several time during the night to go pee-also normal-but at 5:15 I woke up, went pee and went right back to bed and at 5:40 woke up to my panties being soaked and fluids running down my legs. Did I pee myself?!? Didn't smell like pee. Was I sweating?!? Rest of my body was Perfectly fine not sweating at all, feet were actually a bit chilly. It didn't smell like pee, almost had a strange sweet smell to it and almost had a slippery feel to it between my fingers. Woke my boyfriend up told him that I just had a weird feeling and maybe we should go get checked out. Showered and off we went to the L&D ER. I peed in a cup and they swabbed me to test my ph balance, came back 50 mins later and said my swab test was negative for it being aminiotic fluid but they aren't sure what the fluid was per say but I'm good to go home. Ok great! Then I'm telling some people about what happened and they seemed suprised they didn't do n ultrasound to check on my fluid levels.
My friend also told me that her sister went to the ER 3 different times for leaking fluids and all 3 times they swabbed her and they told her it was just discharge or pee and then she ended up being on bed rest in the hospital at 30 weeks and had to do emergency delivery because she was basically out of fluids and the baby was struggling and she ended up being a premie. So now I have myself all worried again :-/
Long post on sorry but do any of your ladies have any stories or insight???
I called my nurse to just see what her and my personal dr think but still waiting on a call back