
So in January my boyfriend and I got into an argument. He complained I posted too much on fb and dealt with too much drama. So we both deleted them. And it's honestly been great not having one. But now I'm planning my babyshower thats in a month and wanted to reactivate it to make an event so I could invite some certain family members and friends that I don't have numbers for but I know they'd wanna come to it. So I tried talking to him about it because I don't want to just go behind his back and do it when we both agreed to deactivate and he flipped out about it. Like seriously flipped out saying oh he's not enough for me and I'm just making bs excuses for wanting to reactivate it and it's gonna cause problems. Literally all I wanted was to make an event for it so I could invite people but I don't want problems in my relationship. I'm torn on what to do. He told me to fucking activate it again since it means sooooo fucking much to me but idk. Advice? Is he overreacting? Am I for being pissed at him? Idk what to do honestly