Should all disposable products be banned from your country?

Disposable products reign in most US households. From tampons- which include a plastic applicator, cardboard box, plastic wrapping around the applicator, and the actual tampons; to diapers- which include cardboard boxes and diapers filled with human waste that literally have the ability to explode while in the landfill. 
From plastic wrappings and ziplock bags that are used for less than 24 hours then thrown away, to grocery bags that are used for less than 20 minutes before they're thrown away. The plastic and cardboard usage in our nation (USA) is astronomical! Not only is the plastic bad for our enviornment, but it's bad for us too.
So, when you think about all the plastic in your house and all of the things you needlessly throw away- should our country put a restriction on our plastic usage? Should we ban plastic altogether? 
Why or why not? Does your family already try to use reusable products? Do you try to limit the amount of plastic in your home? If yes, what alternatives do you use? Do you think they're sustainable enough for the whole country or whole world to make the switch?

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