Crush on my best friend..

So when I found out I was bi in 7th grade, I had a crush on my best friend after we spent the night at the fair together. After me seeing that she didn't like me back my feelings vanished. 5 years later, we are as close as ever. One night we were super super drunk and my boyfriend dared her to kiss me and she did without hesitation and she made rout with me too! Then we were sitting on my bed. I confessed to her that I had a crush on her in 7th grade and she said, "there have been a lot of times I thought to myself "life would be easier if I was just with you"". A few minutes later while smoking a cigarette, she kissed me again. Then another makeout sesh. By this point I'm confused. She told me one time she wanted to bring her bathing suit over and take a bath together. She says she is totally straight. But now I'm sexually confused and I don't know how to take what she meant by that. Any advice?