Am I pregnant?

Ana Carolina • Married 💍👫
My last menstration was June 13,2016 but my husband & I have kinda got a little bit freaky on Fourth of July week & the week after that.. its already August 10 & stilll NO PERIOD.. Im not sure if it's because I gain sooo much weight that my period doesn't want to come, instead of loosing weight over summer I gain soooo much my clothes doesn't fit no more😫😫😭😭😫😫😫 we had sex recently on Saturday night & he let his 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻 out. We want a baby but we have tired for 4 years & no baby (besides the 3 miscarriges I had) I haven't felt anything yet but besides hunger, thirst, sore nipples ,frequent bathroom breaks ,lower back pain & sleepy all the time........... Idk iff its to early to find out? ‼️Please comment below ‼️