Confused & scared 😔

So me and my boyfriend were fooling around back in July. I was on top of him and he was like grazing the outside of my vagina with his penis. He never put it inside me bc I'm still a virgin and we just like to play around until we are actually ready to do it. But since then my period has been late for 8 day and this Never happens. I'm scared to tell my mom bc she doesn't even know about us. In our religion dating people who don't have the same religion is forbidden. My nipples have been sore (but that's normal for my period) I've had no cramping or nothing. I also been having these weird dreams like I'm just gonna take a pregnancy test and it's going to be positive. 😔 i dont know if me being stressed about it is causing it to just be late but I can't stand it. He never even put the damn penis inside 🙄 I'll be the first Virgin Mary congrats 😔 
Update: no where near pregnant lmao. I swear that's the last time I'll fool around with him unprotected. Thanks for all the suggestions ladies u were a big help 😽
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Incase you are pregnant you can still decide to take an emergency pill.. But I'd talk about it with my mom personally I couldnt take to keep that from my mom


Gaso • Aug 10, 2016
I can perfectly relate to your situation because my fam is very strict too


Posted at
Unless he came on the outside of you and it got in I don't see pregnancy possible. Precum can have sperm but usually only if he has cum before hand and didn't urinate. You can get a test for $.88 at Walmart. Take it there and no one will know. That will ease your mind. Stress, medication, and diet can make you late so try to relax.