Ok so a new rant

Ok so i previously posted asking for opinions on the progenity testing didnt get to many responses. So i went ahead and did it..... Then i posted about recieving a positive result and recieved a few responses. Well i went to the specialist today for my appointment and spoke with the Genetic counslor and found out that there is a 60 % chance of a false positive when we take these test they say 99.9 and so on and that is not correct so i have been upset since Friday so worried about my baby and im not saying that it will be a false positive because i have to have further testing threw out my pregnancy but as of now i have no symptoms or anything that would reflect this syndrome in my baby. So my advice to others research the testing before you agree and i dont mean read the pamplit that they provide. I did the teating because it provides you with a early result on gender i was being inpatient but it turns out that it has provided me with alot of stress that may have no purpose threw out the rest of my pregnancy....