2 time getting sent home from l&d

Ugh! 38+3 went into l&d again (1st time was 35+6 if I remember correctly) sent home again. They say we don't know what it wrong. My blood pressure was high, I was having a fast pulse, shortness of breath, shaking legs and irregular contractions for over a hour before I went in and when I did go in it got a little better but then can back pain.... They call the on call dr and he said ick what is wrong but go home. I am scheduled for a c section on Monday and I'm pretty sure I know what is wrong. I'm trying to have a baby but my body can't ugh just getting very frustrated! I am not dilated at all bc baby's head hasn't engaged but I think it's bc it can't. My hips just don't have what it takes to have a baby. I don't want another 'episode' like this, I wish they would just take the baby.