5 month chaos! who is this baby??

Who is this baby, and what have they done with my  "easy" baby? 
Ok totally joking (but not really) my previously happy, smiling, lovey, never crying baby, has suddenly become a cranky, puking, constantly nursing, insomniac being. I'm a first time mom so my answer for this varies depending on my google search history. Teething? Growth spurt? Is it something I ate? Something she ate? Does she just hate me?... I'm not really asking for answers here, I just needed to to let someone know we're going through this and it's hard. I love her more than anything and it's heartbreaking when she's upset, no matter the reason. I hope it's a phase or something we can figure out and remedy soon... If you're in the same situation or have been I'd love to hear about it. It's not often that people will acknowledge that being a mommy is really REALLY hard and sometimes, you're going to cry and whine just as much as baby does. For now we're just going to cuddle and play and give all the lovings I have and hope that helps. If you've made it to the end of this post, thank you for hearing me ❤️ here's a couple photos of sweet Miss Sadie, just because.