Individual and couples therapy question

Without going too deep. My SO and i have been together many years. Almost 7 to be exact. We have multiple children together and got together out of hs. When we got together he was a virgin and extremely addicted to porn. Honesty and communication right? And no i didnt know that going in but found out very quickly how bad porn was for him. I used to be fine with it until him and it has caused many many issues. He has done really well with his recovery with a few relapses the past 5 years. When he gets crazy stressed i know ill be dealing with it. He also told me about a year or so in that he flirts with girls at work and wants to f××× them but stay with me because he loves me. I told him if thats what he really wanted then he can go sleep with whoever he wants but i wont be apart of his life aside from coparenting. We worked through it. Well from what i thought. But now im extremely jealous and i hate myself for it. Yesterday he won tickets from work for a baseball game and so did about 100 other workers. When we went one of his female co workers was super excited to see him and put her hand on his chest. I got the sickest feeling ever and instantly got pissed. Especially since he in return got excited to see her and then didnt even have the decency to introduce me. Yes i know i have issues. I called this morning to make an appointment to see a therapist to work on my trust issues. I try so hard to let petty shit go but its hard sometimes because all that hurt comes rushing back and i know it isnt fair to him. I need to work on myself before we go to therapy together and maybe he does too. He knows this but i think me taking the 1st step will help him know he can do it too. He doesnt tell me when he talks to girls at work anymore because of how much it hurt that he was taking it too far. Although if a guy would even look in my direction he would freak out at me. He has definitely worked on that because i have never given him a reason to not trust me. And i dont speak to guys unless they are close family friends who he also speaks too. I tell him how would you feel and he says he would get upset and then apologizes. But its all reoccurring. This is our last step and i hope it will work in our favor but i cant keep letting myself get hurt and i cant keep arguing with him. Has anyone done therapy and has it helped. Either individual or couples?