36 weeks, baby coming soon? FTM

I am 36 weeks pregnant today!! This is my first pregnancy, I'm having a little boy. :) Starting last Monday I started to see some mucus looking discharge, and Tuesday I had some pain down in my pelvic area. I didn't even have it cross my mind that baby could be moving down or already be dropped, so I only asked my doctor about the discharge, (which she checked me for infections and I have none), so I'm assuming I have just been loosing some of my mucus plug? Also this week I started getting a watery discharge with some small white snot looking things in it (sorry tmi). Not sure if that is normal or not. My appointment on Wednesday this week the pain was just getting worse so I asked her if he could have dropped already? She said he may be starting to move down & she said if I wanted she could check me. After checking me she realized I was already 1cm dilated & my son is REALLY REALLY low!! She actually seemed a bit concerned with how low he already is and told me I need to take it easy to try to keep him in at least another week! I'm so excited!! Does this mean I will be meeting my little man soon?! Any feedback is appreciated :)