Am I imagining things??

Ok so I had my mirena iud removed middle of June and have just started TTC this month. I have only had 1 period since my mirena was removed which started the 23-27 July, due to irregular period when I had the iud glow doesn't estimate my next period until 31st of August. Glow says I'm not due in my fertile window until tomorrow. However I remember my periods being even 4 weeks before my mirena was fitted so if that is the case my fertile window would have been approx 6th, I also had a lot of ewcm on the 6th. Now I am driving myself crazy thinking I 'feel' pregnant. If I did ovulate on the 6th, 1-2dpo I felt like I had a heavy womb, 3rd dpo I was extremely nauseas which is very unlike me and all day today I have been having dull stabbing pains in my left hand side. Am I symptom spotting? Surely I wouldn't know this early on especially as I don't even know if that's when i definitely ovulated. Please give me your thoughts! 
TIA xx