I have this crush on this boy that rides my bus. I get so nervous when he talks to me. I really want to ask him out but I have a boyfriend (which we have a long distant relationship). The sad thing is, we never get to see each other and it's making me DESPERATE/DEPRESSED!! He lives in Florida, basically and we've been dating for a year now!! But the point is, I've never connected with someone like this before. This guy I like is super funny, sweet, loyal, and really polite. It scares me, because if I ask him out my brother's girlfriend will know and would tell everyone/my crush, I'm cheating on my boyfriend up in Florida. (My brother's girlfriend goes to the same school I do.) My boyfriend has been so sweet to me but it's just been on and off with the drama lately. I honestly feel like shit when I can't see him/help him out. He says he's coming to visit me when he turns 18 (which is next year). But honestly.. I can't wait that long to meet somebody. My crush is a really sweet guy. He talked to me the whole ride home today, about how he was single. I can tell he likes me too just from his hand signals and his constantly staring at me.😭 Can someone please help me!? 😭😭🔫