2WW 🙄⏱⏲⏰⏳🕰🕯

I'm in the 2 week wait period (7 days down). My cycle is 27-29 days (longest 34) but generally around 28. We used preseed this time. Unfortunately, we only used it once during ovulation because my hubbs doesn't do well with intimacy and alcohol :( (darn it!!) however, we did twice prior to my first ovulation day. EG first ovulation day was a Thursday. We  were intimate Sunday, Tuesday (our anniversary), and Thursday (first High Surge). 
We have been TTC since March this year. 
How do you get by during your two week wait for AF or a missed period? Doc says not to test until I'm late. Like "10 days" kinda late. That's hard for a type A individual. 😂  I'm nervous but trying to remain calm and positive in hopes for my first BFP!