Sister divorcing husband need advice

Amanda • iLoVeChRiS
Ok, so I wanted to see what you all thought about this. My sister was with her husband for ten years. They have four kids together 9,7,5,4 years old. Ok so about a month ago actually on father's day he woke up and kicked her out first thing in the morning. She has never worked before he always kept her trapped in the house. Well when he kicked her out she stayed with me for about three weeks got a job and already has her own place. Well he has already moved another girl into there house. This other girl is our brothers wife's sister. Messed up isn't it well anyways at first he would not even let my sister see the kids. Well then he started to let her come over and see them buy made her sit outside and she even bought the kids some toys and he would not let them keep them. Well since this girl moved in he let's my sister watch the kids after school now until he gets off work. The youngest is not in school so she has been watching him during day to, we'll the second youngest just started school so he only went one day and don't go back till next week. She just text me and said that her five year old just told her that this is making him call her mommy. Wtf he'll no. She does not need to be making my sisters kids call her mommy she is not there mother. Well my sister is waiting till they go to court to try and get her kids. He thinks that he is just going to keep them and make her pay child support. But she is not going to let that happen she has been with these kids everyday since they was born. This girl that moved in has three kids of her own and like I said my sister and him have four plus he has one that lives with him from a previous marriage. Well they only have a three bedroom house so they have eight kids piled into this house. My sister is pissed do you think she will get her kids when they go to court. Isn't it wrong this girl is trying to make her kids call her mommy. Sorry need advice on this whole situation my sister is upset and so am i. He want even let me see the kids and I've always been there for them. Sorry so long. Also wanted to add she has not had her license in over ten years. He would not let her get them since being out she has got them as well and a car. My sister is also type one diabetic and if he takes her kids and makes her pay child support they will stop her medicines and they are way to expensive for her to pay for. I know that's not the main concern but it is a big part concerning she will die without her meds.