What do you do when you're at your wits end?

I'm so mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted I just don't even know what to do anymore. Every single day is miserable. There are good parts, but the stress and frustration outweighs them.
My daughter is going on 2 months, and is still beyond fussy. 90% of her awake time I have to spend trying any and everything to stop her from crying. Nothing ever works and only after she's exhausted herself will she (temporarily) chill out, before going back to fussing, crying, moving non stop. (I really try everything. Change diaper, change clothes, swaddle with arms in, with arms out, bath, white noise, laying her down, stomach, back, feed, burp, rub tummy, gripe water, baby wearing. etc. you name it, I do it). Every single day I dread, because I dread when she is awake because I'm afraid she's just going to cry / fuss and I don't know why and can't help it. ( She's already on medicine for reflux and hypoallergenic formula ).
It seriously drives me crazy when she cries and nothing helps to stop her. I have no patience for it and I get so stinking mad. Every single day I go through this and it's only getting worse. Her, and my patience for her. I get stressed out after a few minutes so you can imagine how I feel as though I'll loose my mind when it's been HOURS of wasting my time walking in circles with her when it's not even helping.
I'm not even sure what advice I'm looking for here because I swear I've tried everything but maybe there's SOMETHING - other than 'time'. I know this will pass but I cant get past this moment to look ahead, it doesn't help me at the moment, being miserable every single day. I can't remember the last time I went to bed happy/not stressed out and dreading the next day.
I also have a 14 month old daughter so there is no down time. I only have the help of my SO. I do get out when he's home to get away for a few but it doesn't help me when I'm back home, I'm just as frustrated.
Ugh :(