Sleep question - help, I'm desperate

We are trying to transition my daughter (6.5 weeks) to her own room and it is hell. She has been sleeping in a rock n play with me on the couch right next to her. I would rock her to sleep, put her in the rock n play and then shush her and rub her head to help her fall asleep. This worked great and she would just wake up for feeds. Now that she is in her own room we wanted to put her in the crib, but she is SO WIGGLY and wakes herself up almost immediately. Doesn't matter what kind of swaddle she is in (she seems to like the Love to Dream most). So we put the rock n play in there next to the crib in the hopes that it would help us transition, but now she is restless in there too! Last night i ended up sleeping in the room on the floor and she finally slept for several hours. Can she smell me or something, and knows I'm no longer in the room?? It's seriously driving me insane... I've already had to go in there and lull her back to sleep like 8 times. Any advice is greatly appreciated.