Forgiveness for STD?

Ichigo • I have one daughter. I'm also pregnant with my second. Unmarried.
So my daughter's father gave me Chlamydia after he decided he couldn't stick with just his girlfriend at the time. The lovely thing had herpes and Chlamydia and he was like...yep raw sex makes total sense to me. Definitely. Then he did me because why not. Of course he didn't tell me he had it (herpes) she did. But all they told me about was the herpes. So I assumed she never told him about the Chlamydia. Turns out she did, but he decided since he had no symptoms he didn't have it. So how would you react to this situation? (I outed them both on Facebook because you don't play with my health like that). And would you keep the kid away (She still sees her father often)

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