Just need to vent! It's long sorry

I am 17weeks pregnant Today. My fience and I have lived alone for the past year and every other weekend we come back to where his parents live And visit well more of his family is at his parents house visting. First off they don't control there 2tear old just let him run around screaming all day and just ignores him. It has my dog stressed out hardcore. Pluse it's been really got the past two Days! The other thing is as much as I don't mind people touching my belly it bugs me when people just sit there and rub it till it itches and then it bugs me! Ive been getting bitched at for not taking enough belly pictures. Well I'm freaking sorry but I don't do anything else during my day and it's not too priority and there hasn't been weekly changes so there's no point to take pictures at least to me. Being bugged when I just need to be alone for 30 minutes or so. People telling just that I should do like I know they are always going to give me there advice but there are a lot of things that I will be Doing different and I'll be doing it my way so I just nod my head and agree! Ugh sorry needed to get all out there!