Serious talks for a moment!

My mom told my loving SO about her first experience with childbirth. This was 26 years ago, she went into active labor with my older sister who was breach. She hemmoraged and was taken into emergency C section. She had multiple transfusions and ultimately, if it came down to it, they chose my sister to be the survivor if my mom didn't make it through surgery. She just wanted her baby girl out and in the world to live a happy life. 
Needless to say, this has freaked my SO out. I am not a high risk pregnancy and in the past 26 years, medical has come a very long way. 
I didn't think we ever need the 'if you had to choose' talk, ever! Well, he is my power of attorney and so is my mother for my child birth. If I am unable to make medical decisions about my own body, they both share the decision. Without being prompted, he told me he would choose me every time. He couldn't live without me, but I could give him another child some day if God forbid, something serious did happen. 
I'm not sure how I feel about this and I don't believe anything serious like that will happen. 
Has anyone had this talk with their partners, or have previous labor stories like my mom's to share?