Fiancé is going 3 hours away

He's going 3 hours away to play airsoft with his 14 year old brother. They do it like every other Sunday but I'm 35 weeks and was told there's a good chance I could go into early labor since I had our son at 36 weeks, I'm already having contractions 15 minutes apart, I can hardly walk, sitting hurts, when I stand up its hunched over... I know he wants to go have fun and I know it's no guarantee that baby will start making her entrance today but after the way I've been feeling... All this since Friday... I am in no shape to take care of our 19 month old by myself. He said call your mom. I did and she can't help. He said call my mom. She has to work today. I'm usually okay with him going and I feel bad for wanting him to stay close and help me... If I wasn't pregnant and felt okay I'd be going to the beach or something having a blast but I am not allowed to go more than 45 minutes from my hospital (Drs orders). I would call friends but no one has been responding to my texts for weeks and none of my friends came to my shower, only older family members (I love my family) so I don't feel like I can even ask a "friend" to help. I'm one of those people that does anything and everything for everyone I love and care for and I'm now seeing I shouldn't be. Idk I'm just emotional and I feel bad for not wanting him to go so far away from me...